Alfa Polaris and Xavier Font have been given the following awards and recognitions
Footbridge 2005 Awards
Bridge Design & Engineering
Restoration of the Pont Trencat project
Join winner category aesthetic, span up to 30 metres
Europa Nostra Awards 2006
Pan-European Federation for Heritage
Restoration of the Pont Trencat project
AR Awards for Emerging Architecture 2006
The Architectural Review
Restoration of the Pont Trencat project
Highly commended
Construmat 2005 Awards
Fira de Barcelona. Beyond Building Barcelona
Restoration of the Pont Trencat project
Highly commended
Puente de Alcántara Awards 2002-2004
Fundación Sant Benito de Alcántara
Restoration of the Pont Trencat project
Highly commended
Construmat 2011 Awards
Fira de Barcelona. Beyond Building Barcelona
Can Gili Footbridge project
Water Awards 2008
Catalan Association Friends of Water
Xavier Font
Award for excellence in bridge design
Ciencia en Acción 2006 Awards
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología
Restoration of the Pont Trencat project
Bonaplata Awards 2004
Associació del Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica i d’Arqueologia Industrial de Catalunya
Restoration of the Pont Trencat project